Day Long Workshop on Multiple PLC Trainer
WhyLearning PLC worth it?
PLCs are everywhere in industries. From scheduling of a utility installmentslike boiler, chiller to precision movements of robotic arms PLCs are integralpart of modern manufacturing industries. PLCs run industrial machines such as Induction motors, PLCs control unitprocesses in manufacturing plants. PLCs control flow of fluids. PLCs controloperation of valves and contactors in electromechanical systems. These are somevery essential engagements that an engineer must perform in industry. Besides this,the 4th industrial revolution is thoroughly governed by controllerbased automation system where having sound knowledge upon PLC is a keydetermining factor. So learning PLC is not only important for the industry, butalso for your present and future career.
Learning Outcome of thisWorkshop:
Ø Alearner will gather Knowledge about different PLCs which lead the industrialautomation sector
Ø Introduction to Numerous Interfacing Methods ofPLCs
Ø Being acquainted with Different PLC ProgrammingTechniques
Ø Some essential machines, devices, sensorsinterfacing and programming them with PLC
Ø Sound Knowledge about Key TechnicalSpecifications of a PLC
Contents Covered:
Ø The constriction of nine different categories PLC.
Ø Interfacing method of nine different categories PLC.
Ø Programming method of nine different categories PLC.
Ø Pick & Place using PLC & Pneumatic Air Suctionmethod.
Ø Pick & Place using PLC & Pneumatic Gripper method.
Ø WaterPump Control using nine different categories PLC.
ØFire Indication System using nine different categories PLC.
Ø TrafficLight Control using nine different categories PLC.
Ø Theconstriction of Pneumatic cylinder.
Ø Sequential control of threePneumatic cylinder usingnine different categories PLC.
Ø Theconstriction of Pneumatic solenoidvalve.
Ø Control of Pneumatic solenoidvalve using PLC.
Ø Interfacing of PLC &Pneumatic solenoid valve.
Ø The method ofControl Relay using PLC.
Ø The methods of three phase InductionMotor Starter using PLC.
Ø Forward-and-reverse operationmethods of three phase Induction Motor.
Ø The method ofinterfacing PLC with Input Switch.
Ø The method ofinterfacing PLC with Input Sensor.
Ø Operating method of interfacingproximity sensor with PLC.
Ø Operating method of interfacingphoto sensor with PLC.
Ø Use of Variable Frequency Drivewith PLC.
Ø Programming method of VariableFrequency Drive with PLC.
Ø The construction of Three PhaseInduction motor.
Ø Interfacing Method of ThreePhase Induction motor with VFD & PLC.
Ø The construction of StepperMotor.
Ø Interfacing Method of StepperMotor with PLC.
Ø The construction Seven SegmentDisplay.
Ø Interfacing Method of SevenSegment Display with PLC.
Ø Interfacing Power Supply with nine different categories PLC.