B.Sc Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineeringis one of the oldest and largest disciplines of study all over the world. Inour university, a four-year graduate program of Mechanical Engineering wasstarted on 5th May 2021. Mechanical Engineering is generallyunderstood to emphasize energy, its transformation, transmission, andutilization; and on applied mechanics and design. The mechanical engineeringundergraduate programs provide excellent technical background for persons whowant to work in fluid mechanics, applied mechanics, heat transfer,environmental pollution control, and other multidisciplinary professions wherea good understanding of technology is often very important. Throughout thestudy program, considerable emphasis is placed on the development of systematicprocedures for analysis and design, and on the responsible use of technology.The undergraduate program prepares the student for a career in engineering,with an emphasis on the technical areas of fluid and thermal energy systems andthe conversion of thermal energy to other forms of energy, mechanical systemsand machines, and design and control of these systems. In addition to lectureand practical sessions in classrooms, the undergraduate program also includesindustrial visits and on-site industrial training for about five to six weeks.
The second purpose isto build a platform where the Bangladeshi or foreign-based students, industryexperts, or independent researchers could find useful links that may help themin their research endeavors and to maintain a bridge of collaboration andcooperation between scholars and industrial experts on a national andinternational level.